Blog of Concord

Debunking theologies of glory since, well, last November.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Yet another reason we're homeschooling

Montgomery County, Md. had to have their sex-ed curriculum struck down on religious reasons - not for shoving creationism down kids' throats, but for this blatant appropriation of religious teaching:

Myth: Homosexuality is a sin.

Facts: The Bible contains six passages which condemn homosexual behavior. The Bible also contains numerous passages condemning heterosexual behavior. Theologians and Biblical scholars continue to differ on many Biblical interpretations. They agree on one thing, however. Jesus said absolutely nothing at all about homosexuality. Among the many things deemed an abomination are adultery, incest, wearing clothing made from more than one kind of fiber, and earing shellfish, like shrimp and lobster.

Religion has often been misused to justify hatred and oppression. Less than a half a century ago, Baptist churches (among others) in this country defended racial segregation on the basis that it was condoned by the Bible. Early Christians were not hostile to homosexuals. Intolerance became the dominant attitude only after the Twelfth Century. Today, many people no longer tolerate generalizations about homosexuality as pathology or sin. Few would condemn heterosexuality as immoral — despite the high incidence of rape, incest, child abuse, adultery, family violence, promiscuity, and venereal disease among heterosexuals. Fortunately, many within organized religions are beginning to address the homophobia of the church. The Nation Council of Churches of Christ, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the Unitarian Universalist Association, the Society of Friends (Quakers), and the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches support full civil rights for gay men and lesbians, as they do for everyone else.

Now, how are we supposed to believe in a "religiously-neutral environment" in the public schools when things like that are out there? And I'm sure this is not isolated.

Actually, we're not homeschooling strictly for religious reasons, but whoa, nelly.

From the Volokh Conspiracy, via OpinionJournal's Best of the Web Today.


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