Blog of Concord

Debunking theologies of glory since, well, last November.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

No Word from the Lord

Lee at Verbum Ipsum: "Jesus never said a word about about highway appropriation bills or FCC regulations!"

His point (or at least as I take it) - this is intellectual laziness - whether from the left (never said anything about abortion, homosexuality) or from the right (never said anything about environmentalism or government subsidies).

I once made the point to someone I was helping interview who brought up the "Jesus never said a word about it" line re: homosexuality that any theology that could fit on a bumper sticker was suspect to me.

Anyhow, I'd like to play a game. Feel free to join in. The more outlandish the better.

Jesus never said a word about...

antidepressants(so there, Tom Cruise!)
post whoring (or comment whoring, in blogworld)
breastfeeding in public (hi, Annette!)
Social Security
watching "R"-rated movies
fairly-traded coffee
maple trees
public broadcasting
the flat tax
illegal immigrants
bubble-gum flavored ice cream (I'm against it)
DVD players in cars (ditto)


At 6/29/2005 4:50 PM, Blogger Camassia said...

Let's see:

getting your navel pierced
bringing 15 items to the express lane
praying at ballgames
the Julian calendar
Marty Haugen
reality TV
women in pants
MX missiles
daylight savings time

At 7/17/2005 5:49 PM, Blogger Clint Schnekloth said...

committed same-sex relationships

At 7/07/2006 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things Christians Assume Are "Christian":
Christmas, Christmas Trees
Easter. Easter Bunnies
pulpits, narthexes, Cathedrals and church buildings
Wednesday night pot-lucks
stained-glass windows
icthus-fish stickers
WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) paraphenalia
The Pope
Cardinals, Deacons, Bishops, Presbyters, etc.
The term: "Communion"
The phrase: "The Trinity"

Things Christians Get in a Big Fuss About:
-the war in Iraq
-evolutionary theory


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