Luther movie reviews from Christianity Today
Headline: Luther, Luther, Luther!
Best quote - the last line: "Each generation, it seems, gets the Luther that it needs."
Debunking theologies of glory since, well, last November.
Headline: Luther, Luther, Luther!
Before I read this article, I decided - thirty minutes a day with the Classics and I may be somewhere in twenty years.
Interesting article from someone who remembers how it was back in the day.
OK - what it REALLY means is that Council recommended to Assembly that ANY Task Force report recommending a change in standards require a 2/3 majority vote to pass. This is a non-binding recommendation and I believe can be ignored by the Assembly. But the recommendation is a positive.
In the rules of procedure recommended by the council for the
assembly are requirements that a two-thirds majority vote is
needed to adopt recommendations from a task force that require
amendment of a constitutional or bylaw provision, or establish a
practice or policy that is contrary to an existing practice or
policy of the ELCA, such as a policy or practice contained in a
social statement.
In a report to the council, the Rev. Kenneth M. Ruppar,
Richmond, Va., chair of the council's legal and constitutional
review committee, proposed on the committee's behalf that the
assembly rules be recommended except for the section regarding
task force recommendations, most of which which require a two-
thirds majority vote to be adopted. Instead, the committee
suggested the section regarding the rules on task force
recommendations be considered at the council's April 2005
But many council members said they wanted to adopt the
assembly rules, including task force report rules now -- as the
council indicated at its April 2004 meeting -- before the Studies
on Sexuality task force report and recommendations were completed
and made public.
The council commended Rules of Organization and Procedure for the 2005 Churchwide Assembly, and it defeated an attempt to defer action on possible additions to a section of the rules on voting to adopt "certain recommendations" from ELCA task force reports. The addition states that a two-thirds majority vote is required to adopt recommendations from a task force that requires amendment of a constitution or bylaw provision.
The council's discussion on churchwide assembly voting rules took place in light of a report and recommendations coming from the ELCA task force for the Studies on Sexuality in January. The task force plans to share its report and recommendations confidentially with ELCA lay and ordained ministers through e-mail on Jan. 12. It plans to release the report and recommendations publicly on Jan. 13, with a news conference here at the Lutheran Center.
Speaking against the motion to defer action Linda J. Brown, council member, Fargo, N.D., said, "It is critical that we act on the rules of procedure independent from upcoming recommendations to protect our integrity." Initiating a two-thirds rule "is consistent," she said.
"This is not a neutral recommendation," said Ellen T. Maxon, council member, Washington, D.C., who spoke against implementing the two-thirds rule. The rule "sets a high bar and sends a clear message that, if you want change, it's going to be harder" to achieve, she said. The "cleanest way" to avoid sending that message is by letting a simple majority vote prevail. "Let the assembly do what it wants and not have the church council decide for it," Maxon said.
And "practicing a play."
Jason and Brett, and whoever else might pick this up:
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The death of Yasser Arafat, the recent
U.S. presidential campaign and election, and multicultural
challenges facing the church prompted the presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to ask, "what does
all this mean?" in his report Nov. 11 to the ELCA Church Council.
The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, speaking on the day of Arafat's
funeral in Cairo, Egypt, and burial in Ramallah, West Bank, said
he spoke earlier in the week to the Rev. Munib A. Younan, bishop
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan (and Palestine).
Younan was to be at Arafat's funeral in Cairo and hoped to get
into Ramallah for the burial, Hanson said.
Hanson said Younan asked him to remind the ELCA that the
Palestinian people are more mature than is reported in the media
and some people believe. Younan also asked Hanson to challenge
President George W. Bush "to be a peace broker and to work for a
two-state solution" in the Middle East, Hanson said.
On the U.S. presidential election, Hanson questioned
observations of election analysts that Bush was elected on the
basis of "personal moral values and fear of terrorism."
"Fear hardens lives, and fears close borders," Hanson said.
"Faith opens our eyes. Fear causes us to flee the world; faith
gives us the courage to go out into the world. Faith causes us
to see the world through the eyes of the cross."
Hanson returned to themes he pressed during the campaign.
He asked what it meant that a president was elected who
supposedly speaks to moral values, yet neither Bush nor Sen. John
F. Kerry could address "moral issues" such as poverty, HIV/AIDS,
lack of clean water in the world, genocide in Sudan and "horrific
acts" in Fallujah.
"What does it mean for those of us who care about those
things and are dismissed as not caring about moral values?"
Hanson asked.
Religious groups that focus on what he termed
"fundamentalism" and "Pentecostalism," are getting more
attention, Hanson said, adding he was "not willing to say that in
that religious landscape we have nothing to say as Lutheran
Christians." The ELCA can "become an evangelizing church in a
Lutheran 'key,'" he said.
I figured out how to add links to the sidebar. (Applause)
A slightly different take on the Creation of the internet...